Below you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions
- Where is the race office and when is it open??
The Race Office is located in Pijalnia Wód Leczniczych in Kudowa Zdrój (Zdrojowa Street 43A, 57-350 Kudowa Zdrój).
It will be open:
- Friday 11.04.2025 r. open from 16:00 to 21:00.
- Saturday 12.04.2025 r. open from 4:30 to 10:00 and 17.00 to 21.00.
- Sunday 13.04.2025 r. open from 5:30 to 8:30 and 11:30 to 12:30.
- We have to replace a team runner. How can we do this??
You may change team runners’ data (max. 2 persons) by 11 April 2025, by sending us an email at:, and providing details of the person who will not start, as well as the particulars of the new team runner such as:
- Name
- Surname
- Date of birth
- Gender
- Address
- Postal code
- City
- Country
- Phone
- Club name
- If the person replacing another runner wishes to order a t-shirt, please also include this information in the message (the price is an additional PLN 79)
No fee is charged for replacing a runner within a Team.
- We purchased transportation tickets. What time is the departure and where from??
Transportation to the Transition areas will be arranged by shuttle buses departing from the area of Park Zdrojowy in Kudowa Zdrój, respectively at:
06:30 -> Transition area 1: Hvezda
08:15 -> Transition area 2 : Karłów
Departure from transition areas located along the course takes place only after all persons who booked the transportation appear at the bus stop – after closing the given point (reaching the cut-off time), at the latest.
There will be two buses at Hvezda on the way back. The first will leave after filling up the vacant places by persons authorized to ride it, and the second one, after the last competitor who purchased the bus ticker will arrive at the bus stop.
How is transportation arranged?
The team runner A covers Leg 1. from Kudowa to Hvezda
If the team runner B booked transportation during the enrolment, he/she departs from Kudowa at 07:30 to the transition area in Karłów. After arrival of the bus, the team runner A who finished to run his/her leg and reached Hvezda, has the possibility to return to Kudowa from Karłów
If the team runner C booked transportation to the second transition area in KARŁÓW during registration, he/she departs from Kudowa at 09:30 to Karłów. After arrival of the bus, the team runner B who finished to run his/her leg and reached Karłów, has the possibility to return to Kudowa from Karłów.
- We want to collect the race pack for a runner from our team. Can we do this?
To pick up the race pack, you must appear for the registration as a whole team. In exceptional cases, the race office staff may give the race pack to a team in which one of the runners is not present, but the pack of the absent team runner will be given without the race bib and timing chip.
The team runner who will not be present during the team verification should appear in person at the race office to confirm his/her participation (identifying himself/herself with an identity document: ID card, driving license or passport) and sign the relevant statement
Authorization to collect the race pack can be downloaded HERE
- What mandatory gear do we have to carry for the duration of the race to avoid disqualification or time penalty??
- How can I obtain an invoice for the entry fee?
Just write us an email about the invoice at:, with the indication of:
– your name and surname
– the name of the race
– billing data for the invoice
– email address to which the invoice is to be sent
Please, remember that in accordance with the VAT Act: „an invoice is issued not later than on the 15th day of the month following the month in which all or a part of the payment was received from the buyer”
Yes, the invoice can be issued to individual members of the team.